Welcome. I’m glad you’re here.

I’m Nikhil, and I would feel honoured to work with you on any concerns or issues you may be experiencing regarding your mental health and well-being. It takes courage and curiosity to take the step towards therapy. The work we do together will be incredibly personal and intimate. And I get how intimidating it may be for you to reveal the details of your life to a complete stranger. I can understand that, having been through this process myself.

I may be a therapist, and you may be a client. However, we are ultimately human beings trying to build a relationship together. A relationship which has its foundation in trust and safety. I cannot expect you to trust me immediately; this trust can only be built over time. And I hope that over the course of our work, trust has the opportunity to flourish.

This website is an attempt to start building at least some of that trust and safety. I would like to give you a glimpse into who I am as a therapist, and as a human being. I have tried to provide an overview of the work I do, my rationale for why psychotherapy is helpful, as well as some of my personal writing on mental health and culture. I hope you find a reason to get in touch with me. And thank you for reading this far.

Schedule a consultation with me, today.